ITSIprotect-DNA (K-0050)

ITSIprotect DNA (K-0050) inhibits the breakdown of extracted DNA or DNA in biological samples to protect them for shipping. There are two ITSIprotect DNA products. ITSIprotect-DNA Dry (K-0050D) is for samples that will be transported and stored dry at room temperature and ITSIprotect-DNA Liq (K-0050L) is for samples that will be transported and stored in the liquid state at room temperature for not more than 3 weeks.

ITSIprotect DNA (Cat No. K-0050) is a specially formulated product that utilizes GenTegra Active Chemical Protection™ technology to protect DNA. The product inhibits the breakdown of extracted DNA or DNA in biological samples such as blood, serum, plasma, saliva, urine and cell/tissue lysate.

It is ideal for risk-free ambient temperature storage and transport of DNA in the dry state and liquid state. DNA samples treated with ITSIprotect can be stored dry at room temperature for years with no degradation of the DNA. If in the liquid state, samples can be stored for up to 3 weeks.

Treated samples can be shipped in the liquid state at room temperature using courier or standard ground transportation. No dry ice or wet ice is required to ship the treated samples. The product is compatible with downstream applications such as PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, electrophoresis, chromatography, sanger sequencing, next generation sequencing and microarray.

Key attributes

  • Protects DNA against high temperatures during handling, shipment and storage.
  • Protects DNA without temperature and humidity controls during storage.
  • Use for extracted DNA, body fluids (whole blood, Saliva, Urine, etc.)
  • Allows multiple cycles of drying and reconstitution of DNA.
  • Product is not hygroscopic and will not absorb water.
  • Protected DNA can be analyzed directly.
  • Works with NEXTGEN sequencing, PCR, microarray, STR, SNP analyses.
  • Product is available in 0.5ml screw cap tubes.
  • Kits for 5 and 10 samples available.
  • Protects DNA for >20 years when treated sample is dried (based on accelerated storage studies at 55oC).

There are two ITSIprotect DNA products. One product is for samples that will be transported and stored dry at room temperature (K-0050D) and the second is for samples that will be transported and stored in the liquid state at room temperature for not more than 3 weeks (K-0050L)


S/N Cat No. Name Description Application
1 K-0050D ITSIprotect-DNA Dry Protection of DNA in the dry state at room temperature. • Long term storage of DNA in dry state.
• Ship DNA in the dry state at ambient temperature.
2 K-0050L ITSIprotect-DNA Liq Protection of DNA in the liquid state at room temperature. • Short term storage (not more than 3 weeks).
• Ship DNA in the Liquid state and at ambient temperature.


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