ITSIprotect-RNA (K-0051)

ITSIprotect RNA (K-0051) is a formulation developed for protection of RNA (by preventing RNA breakdown) while working in the lab, when stored or when shipping it for sequencing, RNA-seq, microarrays, qPCR or other downstream applications. The are two ITSIprotect RNA products. You can order the product in microfuge tubes (K-0051T) or microtiter plates (K-0051P).

ITSIprotect-RNA (Cat No. K-0051) is a formulation developed for protection of RNA while working in the laboratory or when shipping it for sequencing, RNA-seq, microarrays, qPCR or other downstream applications. The product prevents RNA breakdown while it is in the lab, during shipment and when stored.

ITSIprotect-RNA is water soluble and is based on GenTegra Active Chemical Protection™. When added to RNA it forms a protective matrix that preserves and protects RNA in the liquid state and in the dry state. When dry the protection is near perfect at extremes of temperature (-80°C to +72°C) for years.

The protection is unmatched when it comes to protecting against the temperatures encountered when shipping purified RNA samples. Independent studies utilizing the active compound show ITSIprotect-RNA protection is better than shipping on dry ice.

ITSIprotect-RNA provides immediate protection against RNase activity before flash freezing and allows the use of all standard buffer systems. ITSIprotect-RNA begins protecting your RNA the instant it is added to the RNA solution and protects RNA in liquid form for up to four days at room temperature and when dry for decades. Save on packaging and shipping when you use ITSIprotect-RNA.

All ITSIprotect-RNA products have a shelf life of >3-years at ambient temperatures.

Key attributes

  • Protects RNA when shipped for any downstream application.
  • Protects against RNase activity.
  • Protects better than dry ice.
  • Protects RNA in the lab for days at room temperature.
  • Provides superior RNAseq data.
  • It’s a perfect replacement for RNAstable™
  • Delivered as 0.5ml tubes or 96 well plates.

The are two ITSIprotect RNA products. You can order the product in microfuge tubes (K-0051T) or microtiter plates (K-0051P).


S/N Cat No. Name Description Application
1 K-0051T ITSIprotect-RNA Tube Protection of RNA in microfuge tubes. • Long term storage of RNA in tubes in the dry state.
• Ship RNA in tubes in the dry state at ambient temperature.
2 K-0051P ITSIprotect-RNA Plate Protection of RNA in microtiter plates. • Long term storage of RNA in plates in the dry state.
• Ship RNA in plates in the dry state at ambient temperature.


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