ITSIBIO offers a diverse range of products crucial for biomedical research, such as protein assay and western blot kits, allowing scientists to accomplish their research objectives promptly and precisely.
Our product line incorporates the latest technological advancements to ensure the highest performance and consistency. You can depend on ITSI for high-quality kits that streamline and enhance biomedical research.
Browse our collection today to discover the ideal product that caters to your research requirements. For more details, reach out to us.
Shop by Products
- Autoantibody Detection
- Buccal DNA Collection
- DNA Testing
- Protein Digestion Monitoring
- Protein Fractionation and Enrichment
- Protein Isolation
- Protein Precipitation
- Protein Quantitation
- Western Blotting
Albumin Segregation Kit – Column (ASK-C, K-0012)
$507.39 -
Albumin Segregation Kit – Solvent (ASK-S, K-0013)
$127.25 -
Autoantibody Detection Kit (K-0046)
Blood Protein Isolation Kit (ToPI-Blood, K-0023)
$59.98 -
Bradford Total Protein Assay Kit (ToPA, K-0014)
$64.50 – $80.16 -
Buccal DNA Collection and Transport Kit (K-0022)
$46.63 – $51.46 -
HomeTest DNA™ Kit
ITSIprotect-DNA (K-0050)
ITSIprotect-RNA (K-0051)
Plant Protein Isolation Kit (ToPI-Plant, K-0025)
$259.63 -
Protein Digestion Monitoring Kit (ProDM, K-0021)
$68.15 -
Protein Fractionation and Enrichment Kit (ProFEK, K-0015)
$111.15 -
Protein Isolation Kit for Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissue (ToPI-F2, K-0017)
$139.65 – $265.00 -
Protein Isolation Kit for Two-Dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis (ToPI-DIGE, K-0010)
$76.62 – $81.44 -
Total Protein Isolation Kit (ToPI, K-0011)
$66.38 – $67.86 -
Total Protein Precipitation Kit (ToPREP, K-0016)
$80.55 -
Trypsin Digestion Monitoring Kit (TrypDM, K-0021D)
$68.15 -
Urine Protein Isolation Kit (ToPI-U, K-0019)
$179.56 -
Western Blot Kit (W-Blot, K-0045)