Our Products
ITSIBIO »ITSIBIO is a top-notch company that creates ready-to-use kits for biomedical research and offers high-quality genomics, proteomics, and mass spectrometry services using advanced technologies that are both speedy and cost-effective.
Our Reagents, Kits and Lab equipment are of industry-leading quality and will serve all the necessary purposes. You can also check out products from GenTegra, which are available with us to purchase.
For more information, feel free to contact us.

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Autoantibody Detection Buccal DNA Collection Buffer Systems DNA Isolation DNA Testing Dry State Storage Solutions GenTegra Products Human Protein Standards Kits Nucleic Acid Storage at Room Temperature Protease Inhibitor Cocktails Protein Digestion Monitoring Protein Fractionation and Enrichment Protein Gel Stain Protein Isolation Protein Precipitation Protein Quantitation Proteomics Grade Tubes Recombinant Proteins Western Blotting
Showing all 49 results
2D-DIGE Lysis Buffer (A-0024)
$155.88 -
Albumin Segregation Kit – Column (ASK-C, K-0012)
$507.39 -
Albumin Segregation Kit – Solvent (ASK-S, K-0013)
$127.25 -
Autoantibody Detection Kit (K-0046)
BioBlue™ Protein Gel Stain (PGS, A-0025)
$90.16 – $121.95 -
Blood Protein Isolation Kit (ToPI-Blood, K-0023)
$59.98 -
Bradford nQuanti Protein Assay Reagent (nQPAR, A-0012)
$46.54 – $54.34 -
Bradford Protein Standard Curve Reagent (PSCR, A-0011)
$57.67 – $68.96 -
Bradford Quanti-Protein Assay Reagent (Q-PAR, A-0010)
$99.57 – $152.53 -
Bradford Total Protein Assay Kit (ToPA, K-0014)
$64.50 – $80.16 -
Bradford Total Protein Assay Kit-nano (ToPA-nano, K-0020)
$58.53 -
Buccal DNA Collection and Transport Kit (K-0022)
$46.63 – $51.46 -
Equilibration Buffer (EqB, A-0021)
$85.59 -
$66.31 – $2,160.90 -
GenSaver Cards
$152.32 – $841.84 -
$290.25 – $333.45 -
GenSolve Complete
$399.30 – $760.49 -
GenTegra DNA
$28.35 – $4,698.00 -
GenTegra RNA
$16.34 – $2,648.09 -
GenTegra RNAdvantage
$236.25 – $720.90 -
GenTegra RNAssure
$33.75 – $4,995.00 -
HomeTest DNA™ Kit
Human Tissue Protein Lysate Standards (hTPS, A-012x)
$216.30 – $310.80 -
ITSIprotect-DNA (K-0050)
ITSIprotect-RNA (K-0051)
Native Protein Lysis Buffer (NPB, A-0045)
$49.55 -
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS, A-0018)
$60.68 – $74.95 -
Plant Protein Isolation Kit (ToPI-Plant, K-0025)
$259.63 -
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail – EDTA Free (PIC-4, A-0016)
$185.53 -
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail for Bacterial Cells Extracts (PIC-3, A-0015)
$200.35 -
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail for General Use (PIC-1, A-0013)
$173.18 -
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail for Mammalian Cells and Tissue (PIC-2, A-0014)
$200.35 -
Protein Digestion Monitoring Kit (ProDM, K-0021)
$68.15 -
Protein Fractionation and Enrichment Kit (ProFEK, K-0015)
$111.15 -
Protein Isolation Kit for Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Embedded Tissue (ToPI-F2, K-0017)
$139.65 – $265.00 -
Protein Isolation Kit for Two-Dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis (ToPI-DIGE, K-0010)
$76.62 – $81.44 -
Proteomics Grade Plasma Tubes (PGPT, A-0030P)
$183.61 -
Proteomics Grade Serum Tubes (PGST, A-0030S)
$284.74 -
Recombinant Proteins and Antibodies
Rehydration Buffer (ReB, A-0023)
$68.85 -
Running Buffer (RuB, A-0022)
$102.08 -
SDS-PAGE Loading Buffer Dye (SP-LBD, A-0017)
$47.41 -
Storage Solutions
$50.82 – $19,656.45 -
Total Protein Isolation Kit (ToPI, K-0011)
$66.38 – $67.86 -
Total Protein Precipitation Kit (ToPREP, K-0016)
$80.55 -
Tris Buffered Saline (TBS, A-0019)
$60.68 – $74.95 -
Trypsin Digestion Monitoring Kit (TrypDM, K-0021D)
$68.15 -
Urine Protein Isolation Kit (ToPI-U, K-0019)
$179.56 -
Western Blot Kit (W-Blot, K-0045)
Why Choose Our Products
Choosing the right products for your biomedical research is crucial to ensuring accurate and reliable results. At our company, we understand the importance of quality reagents and strive to provide products that meet the highest standards of performance and consistency.
Our products are designed with the latest advancements in biotechnology and undergo rigorous testing to ensure their reliability and reproducibility. With our kits and lab equipment, you can be confident in the consistency of your results, enabling you to make groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in the field of biomedical research.
Get in touch with us for more information.