Noninvasive prenatal sampling, also known as noninvasive prenatal testing, can offer new parents a variety of benefits. This harmless test is performed by doctors and DNA testing services across the country in order to determine genetic abnormalities in the fetus. All the mother needs to do is offer a small sample of blood for DNA seq analysis to occur.

This is because the mother’s blood contains vital information about the placenta, and therefore, about the pregnancy. By checking the information in placental cells, doctors and DNA analysts are able to determine the cellular makeup of the fetus since these components are usually identical.

If you’re interested in noninvasive prenatal sampling, here’s how this beneficial process can help you.

It can prepare the parents for the future

As a prenatal test, this kind of procedure is inherently designed to better help a parent prepare for the future. This kind of test can offer a slew of information to the parents. For example, it’s a great way to determine the sex of the fetus and it can even indicate its blood type. Should there be a complication during pregnancy and donor blood is needed, this kind of information can be vital to saving an infant’s life.

Noninvasive prenatal testing is also beneficial to detect genetic abnormalities. It’s not uncommon for older parents to birth babies with genetic differences. When a mother is over the age of 35, they experience an increased likelihood of birthing a child with trisomy differences, such as trisomy 21 — also known as Down syndrome — trisomy 18, and trisomy 13. Countless families can better prepare for the needs of their child when they know that such differences are present.

It’s more accurate than other maternal tests

In the past, we relied on maternal serum tests to offer this information. While also considered noninvasive, these tests are far less accurate than NIPS. For example, it’s estimated that one in 20 mothers would get a false positive regarding a Down syndrome diagnosis when they used a maternal serum. By contrast, NIPS will result in a false positive one in every 1,000 mothers.

It doesn’t harm the fetus in any way

The noninvasive aspect of this test means that the fetus will not be harmed. By taking a simple blood test from the mother, which contains both her cells and placental cells, analysts are able to draw conclusions without impacting the fetus whatsoever. You can rest assured that the fetus will be fine when engaging in this type of test.

Whether you’re looking for noninvasive prenatal sampling or protein testing analysis, rely on the experts at ITSI Bio to help you better prepare for your future.

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